We are here to serve you.
Our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):
Together, we will get through this crisis. We are committed to doing everything we can for everyone in our community.
We are continuing to provide services and support. It is why we exist and why we are committed to working together. To this end, we are monitoring and following advice from health professionals and government leadership and taking the following steps to help limit potential exposure and spread of the virus.
Our staff is working with our clients to continue to access our programs and services from home. We are open for business and ALL programs and services will continue uninterrupted as follows:
1. Remote protocol: We have transitioned to a combination of in-person and remote web, electronic, and/or telephone access for classes, seminars, meetings, counseling/coaching and general services for all of our programs. For the most up-to-date information, please call us.
2. Contacting us: We are available by phone at (865) 524-5511, by email at [email protected] or by using our contact form throughout this period to answer any questions and/or assist in order to respond the needs of the members of the community.
3. Access to accurate and timely information: We will continue to update this page with links to trustworthy sources of information about the coronavirus and where to find support and help.
The Knoxville Area Urban League will continue to follow the advice of state and local officials, and promote and practice social distancing in order to slow transmission rates of coronavirus as much as possible.
Our seniors and individuals with chronic health conditions are our most vulnerable. We will continue to provide a full range of services to them. Please continue to support and uplift your children, family members, neighbors, church members, work colleagues and friends who may be struggling during this crisis. This is a time for supporting one another and coming together as community.
Need help with rent, bills or other assistance due to difficulties caused by the pandemic? Email us at [email protected].
Click the below links for more resources and updates:
Get a Vaccine Adults over the age of 16 are now eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines. Click here to find a vaccine provider, make an appointment or read more about the safe and effective vaccines.
Free meals for City Residents Knoxville is providing free meals to children, adults and senior citizens. Click above for more information.
Job opportunities Local companies, such as grocery stores, are hiring temporary and permanent positions. https://www.knoxvillechamber.com/hiring/
AT&T access for limited income households AT&T has expanded free or low cost services, and is waiving fees and service terminations for those affected by the pandemic. Click here to learn more about their coronavirus efforts.
City of Knoxville Call the coronavirus information line at 865-215-5555 or toll-free at 888-288-6022. The hotline is available 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday.
Knox County Health Department The coronavirus website page offers information and health guidance.
Tennessee Department of Health The information line at 877-857-2945 is available 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. EST, seven days a week.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) Call 1-800-232-4636 for the latest information about the coronavirus.